We all have to go grocery shopping, it's part of life. It's a huge part of life for fitness and health. Remember that saying abs are made in the kitchen, fitness is 20% Exercise and 70% Diet. Well it's true, what we put in out bodies makes all the difference in how we feel and yes how we look. I know it can be hard, you get to the grocery store and you just wanna get out (or if you're like me I love the grocery store) but either way you need to take your time and think about what you're buying. This will not only help you stay on track but it will also help you save money.
This post is all about what to buy at the grocery store and how to save a little money doing it.
Rule #1 Always make a list and bring it with you, don't stray from the list! Plan your meals out ahead of time and have written down the ingredients your going to need to buy.
Rule #2 Use a calculator, this will help you stay within budget once you see that number go over budget think about something you could put back or something you can substitute. I always round up too when using a calculator that way there is no surprise at the register and I'm usually always under.
Rule #3 Don't go hungry and go when it's slow. NEVER go grocery shopping when you're hungry, this will only end in you buying food you don't need. Also going when it's slow you can take your time and really read labels and look at what you're buying.
Rule #4 This is probably the most important, you HAVE TO READ LABELS! Not just for the calories and the fat blah, blah, blah but read the ingredients. That's what I always read first, if I can say it and know where it comes from then I next read the calories, fat, protein, fiber, and sodium. Stay away from GMO products, any processed foods, and anything with chemicals in them.
TIP: Try to do most of your grocery shopping on the outer walls of the store, all the produce and things kept fresh, this less likely to be GMO and over processed and filled with chemicals, do as little shopping in the actual aisle as you can. Dierbergs is usually where I go if I don't feel like making the drive the Trader Joe's or Whole Food's, because it is close and they have and organic/all natural aisle so I do all my shopping on the outer walls then hit up that one aisle and I'm done.
TIP: Another HUGE tip try Aldi's, they now carry a wide variety of organic foods, from cereal, fruit preserves, pasta sauce, honey, granola bars, Greek yogurt, dinners, beef, and produce. You can score a lot of great deals here before you hit up the big chain grocery store.
If you plan correctly you can save money by buying things in bulk. Or just by buying things you know you'll only use once a week so they will last longer. Here is a list of things you can buy monthly, every 2 weeks and weekly.
Frozen fruits & veggies
Fruit preserves
Flax & Chia seeds
Rice & Quinoa
Peanut Butter
Meat (buy more and freeze some)
Protein powder
Dipping's for your fruits and veggies
Greek yogurt
Almond milk
I'm sorry but this is an absoulte MUST for me, buying organic is the only way to go with fruits and vegetables. They're healthier for you and you get way more health benefits from them. You know how the skin on cucumbers taste really weird? That's the chemical that was sprayed on them. Guess what organic cucumbers don't taste like that, you can eat the skin! The skin is where all the nutrients are too. These chemicals haven't been around long enough for them to know the long term effects, I don't know about you but I'm not willing to risk my health.
BUT... I also understand it can be expensive, you know what else is expensive? Doctor and hospital bills from when you get sick.
And still I get it we all can't buy everything organic, I mean I do buy some things that aren't organic, like my peanut butter, it's all natural but it's not organic. But I'm super picky about my peanut butter and JIF has my heart.
So to help you out here is a list of fruits and veggies to buy organic and one's that if you must you can buy non-organic.
- Apples - Celery -Strawberries -Peaches -Grapes
-Spinach -Kale -Peppers -Nectarines -Cucumbers -Tomatoes -Snap peas
- Potatoes -Blueberries -Raspberries
NON-ORGANIC(if you must)
-Onions -Avocado -Sweet corn -Pineapple -Mango -Asparagus
- Kiwi -Cabbage -Eggplant -Papaya -Watermelon -Broccoli -Bananas
TIP: If you have to eat the skin buy organic but if it is protected by the skin and you eat the inside it's a safe bet you can buy non-organic since you'll peel that off and throw it away.
Lastly I want talk about the stickers you see on the fruits and vegetables. If those numbers confuse you, I'm going to help you out.
* If the sticker has 4 numbers the produce was grown conventionally or "traditionally" with pesticides. The number is just labeling the food it is, like bananas are all 4011.
*If there are 5 numbers and it starts with a "8" it's a GMO, DON"T BUY IT!
* If there are 5 numbers and it starts with a "9" it's organic!
So 9 good 8 bad.
Don't get overwhelmed and take your time. Buying the right food makes all the difference.